What level of fitness should I have to safely participate in SBFC volunteer projects?

We use a 1-5 rating scale for both the hike in to the base camp and the work difficulty.  We ask that you will sign up for a project that realistically fits your abilities.  Remember, you'll be working as part of a team in a remote wilderness setting. Simple over use injuries and blisters can prevent you from enjoying the experience and being a part of the team.


Do I need backpacking or backcountry experience to participate in a SBFC trip?

No, you only need to be in good shape and bring the motivation to work.  We use a rating system to gauge the hiking and work difficulty for all the projects-- for the most difficult hiking trips you should have some some experience carrying a backpack and hiking long distances over rugged terrain.  Just choose a trip well suited for your abilities!  If you're brand new to backpacking or the backcounty, SBFC trips are a great way to gain experience!


Do I need trail maintenance experience to participate?

No! Our crew leaders will teach you everything you need to know, showing you how to use the tools and do the work. Just come ready to work, willing to learn, and motivated to make the project a success!  Check out the work difficulty rating for each trip and find one suited for your physical abilities.